Charlie back to back BOB

Edgar,Yadi, Betty Boop

New Champion Ruairi’s Love Me Tender








Betty Boop



Cairncross Take it to the limit aka Zinger/charlie

Cairncross Lawless

Cairncross Lawless

Cairncross Lawless

NEW Champion Cairncross Above The Law J Edgar (Edgar)
Sire – Grand Champion Cairncross Ruairi’s Jailhouse Rock (Rufus)
Dam – Champion Kinloch Cairncross Fools Gold (Josie)
Whelped 12/10/20112

Champion Cairncross Above The Law J Edgar (Edgar)

Champion Cairncross Above The Law J Edgar (Edgar)

10/11/2013 Reno-Ruairi’s Love Me Tender goes Winners Dog, Best Of Winner’s and Best puppy at 10 months old for a 5 point Specialty Major at the Irish Setter Club Of Las Vegas Specialty under Judge Mr.Eugene Blake.
10/26/2013 Cairncross Above the Law J Edgar( Ch cairncross Ruairi’s Jailhouse Rock aka Rufus-Ch kinloch cairncross Fools Gold aka josie Winners dog Best of Winners and puppy group 1 and Best in Show Puppy 10 mos old!!!!!
8/17/2013 Cairncross Above the Law J Edgar( Ch cairncross Ruairi’s Jailhouse Rock aka Rufus-Ch kinloch cairncross Fools Gold aka josie) Winners dog Best of Winners for a 5 piont Major.
8/16/2013 Repeat of yesterday for Cairncross Above the Law J Edgar( Ch cairncross Ruairi’s Jailhouse Rock aka Rufus-Ch kinloch cairncross Fools Gold aka josie) at the ISCC Sweeps and Specialty Show in Greeley, CO. Best of Opps in Sweeps, Reserve Winners Dog and Best Puppy!!
8/15/2013 Cairncross Above the Law J Edgar( Ch cairncross Ruairi’s Jailhouse Rock aka Rufus-Ch kinloch cairncross Fools Gold aka josie) at the ISCC Sweeps and Specialty Show in Greeley, CO. Best of Opps in Sweeps, Reserve Winners Dog and Best Puppy!!