INT’L CH /Group Placing GCH CH Avon Farms Caviar Hi By Absinthe RN, CGC, CGCA, TKN, TT
Sire: MBISS GCHG Jadestar Ride ‘Em Cowboy
Dam: Int’l CH AKC GCH Avon Farms Hi Jinx ROM
Whelped: 04/16/2014
Achievements: Caviar first time in the show ring she was awarded Winners Bitch Best Of Winners and Best puppy at the Irish Setter Club Of Jacksonville’s Specialty for her first Major under breeder Judge Mrs.Sue Melancon Klein. She then went to Irish Setter Club Of America’s National Specialty at 11 months and 29 day old and was awarded Best In Sweepstakes under Breeder Judge Ginny Swanson, remarks from Mrs Swanson ( She impressed me immediately. I loved her outline, with a big front, a strong rear and good width of thigh. Most of all, she moved just like she looked standing, and had a pretty head to boot .)and Reserve Winners Bitch at 1 yr and 2 days under Breeder Judge Debra Davis, remarks from Mrs Davis (An elegant puppy, with good bone, a long lean head with expression, The neck flowed nicely into well laid back shoulders with good depth of chest and a long rib cage and proper loin. Balanced front and rear and had very nice reach and drive covering lots of ground, She gave my bred by a run for her money.)